Diversity Care - Our team are always happy to help
Registered Provider:Linzi Branch
Linzi has 17 years experience in many aspects of health and social care. Linzi has been a senior community care worker for four years and achieved Child protection level 1, NVQ level 2 in care and Level 3 A1 assessors award in NVQ level 2 in care. Linzi is working towards her level 5 diploma in health and social care. Linzi also has all (up to date) mandatory training and specialist training which includes dementia, learning difficulties, epilepsy, and mental health. Linzi is the company director and assists with the daily running of Diversity Care which has been established since 17th April 2007.
Registered Manager:Sandra Richardson
Sandra has 34 years experience in many aspects of health and social care including mental health. Sandra has been a senior community care worker for 10 years and has achieved D32/33 assessors award in NVQ level 2 in care and refreshed to A1 standard. Sandra has achieved her leadership and management certificate and her NVQ level 5 in Health and Social Care. Sandra is also a medication trainer and and has further training in , End of life care with people with dementia, advanced person centered care planning, olive branch training for fire hazard assessments, person centered training, safe guarding, fire marshall, dementia train a trainer and infection control and all mandatory training up to date. Sandra manages the daily running of Diversity Care.
Diversity Care have 45 staff who all live and work in the area.
Staff complete induction training and other specialised training which includes:
Equality, inclusion, dignity, respect and diversity
Manual Handling
Emergency first aid and CPR
Fire safety
Infection control
Food Hygiene
Health and Safety
NVQ in health and social care
Peg feed
Mental capacity act
Ear and eye drops
Palliative care
Continence/catheter and skin care
MS awareness
Brain injury
Learning disabilities, autism and aspergers
Other specialised training is provided when required. We work around each indiuviduals needs to provide person centred care